Welcome to Suna, your trusted trading system

About Us / Our Story

The story of Suna begins in December 2016 when I stood at a major crossroads in my life. I felt the need for change but was unsure of what to do. It was a moment of uncertainty and a search for clarity. However, I then remembered my training in the trading industry from 2002 to 2004. I recalled how inspiring and exciting it was to develop strategies and see them work. I knew I had missed it and that I wanted to re-enter this field. Then, I saw an inspiring video about a trading platform and knew immediately that this was the path I had to take. It was a kind of enlightenment – I knew I had to re-enter the trading industry and build something great.

But the path was not easy. I had to train and learn for months to stay current in the industry. I had to work hard to develop and test strategies, often facing few returns and high losses.

As a highly emotional person, trading brought many challenges, and I had to learn to manage my risks and emotions. It was a constant struggle, but I knew I could not give up.


Then came the breakthrough. With my experience as a software developer, I knew I had to fully automate everything to eliminate human error factors and optimize my trading decisions. I began building Suna and supporting my trading strategies with automated systems. It was a long and hard road, but it was worth it. Today, I am proud to have built a successful company that helps others achieve their financial goals. I have found my passion and am grateful for every step of this journey.

But let's jump back to the beginning of the story!

2010 was a wonderful year!

I can hardly put into words how incredible my journey began. In 2010, I was fortunate enough to meet two true geniuses - Sven and Alexander. Alexander was the IT manager of my old company and could manage more than 50 software developers, sometimes even over 70 worldwide. Sven was a true artist in his field and a designer like no other I had ever met. But life sometimes leads us on different paths, and I deeply regret that they are no longer part of my team.

Nevertheless, I was lucky that they supported me in the early days. Thanks to Alexander, I was able to technically implement my creative ideas in the trading industry. But unfortunately, he had to stop the development in this area at the end of 2018 for family reasons. It was up to me to make a decision - how should I proceed? So in 2019, I began looking for other developers who had the necessary skills to make this project a reality.

I can tell you that I conducted countless tests, from 20 euros per hour to 650 euros per hour. But most were only 90% competent, and that wasn't enough. But then I met a woman, a programmer, who honestly told me that my project description was far too complex and unfortunately, she would not be able to implement it. But she was different from the others - she didn't just want the money and the job, she was honest and direct from the start. She said the project was too big for her. But then came the big “BUT“ - her boss Stefan was the king in this segment, and if he saw the project, he would be happy to implement it.

Nearly 15 months passed before our paths crossed in January 2020. But finally, I could resume my dream - no one could take it away from me anymore. I don't even want to talk about the investment we had already made by then. And the worst part? Stefan said, “Let's build everything from scratch.“

But that was the beginning of his story in our company


Stephan, the King of Programmers

From the beginning, Stefan did not behave like an ordinary contractor. His commitment and passion for what he does were immediately palpable. He acted from the start like a true partner, as if he were our company's CTO, even though I had not asked him to be. I could sense that Stefan was not just a developer, but also a visionary who delved into every detail of the project.

Stefan executed his work with such perfection that I knew he would do everything possible to ensure that our clients would receive the best possible performance. His pursuit of perfection and his talent for thinking through even the smallest details have taken our company to a new level.

With his extraordinary ability to solve complex technical problems, he has repeatedly impressed and inspired us. He has shown us that development is not just about code, but about creating a seamless user experience.

I am infinitely grateful that we have Stefan as our partner. Without him, we would not be where we are today. His commitment and passion are the reasons why we continue to evolve and achieve our goals. And that is exactly why in 2023, Stefan expanded his own story. He became a co-owner of Suna and can now truly write his own story as CTO in the future. His commitment and passion have brought him to this point, and he is ready to achieve even greater successes for himself, his family, the clients, and the company. We are proud and happy to have him as part of our team and look forward to a successful future with him by our side.


Thank you


We are proud to have expanded our team from the beginning with talented and honest people like Sven, Alexander, Stefan, and many others. Their dedication, passion, and knowledge helped me build the company. They were the inspiration for me to believe that what we have accomplished today in 2023 is possible.

I believe that in everything we do, it's about realizing our visions and dreams. We are here to inspire and share our knowledge so that others can also achieve their dreams.

Martin Böhm